Saturday, August 28, 2010

Have you seen this daddy?

Right about now my husband is flying 38,000 feet above Alexandria, Louisiana and my first week of playing a single mom has officially begun. That's right. It's that time of year again. The one that used to be filled with chick flicks, dinner with friends, and gobs and gobs of personal time and will now consist of Baby Einstein, pureed carrots at the dinner table, and gobs and gobs of Owen time. Jon has left for the 2010 conference, and due to a recent promotion, he'll be gone a little longer.

I'm probably getting ahead of myself, and will have to smack myself later in the week for saying this, but I'm not really worried about whether or not I can handle the responsibility of soul parent. I knew this was coming and had plenty of time to prepare and that preparation involved removing any dependencies Owen may have on Jon. I had to make Owen dependent on me for comfort and food. I am the first person he sees in the morning and the last he sees before falling asleep. Jon sort of became this big, funny toy that did a LOT of housework. I don't know if that was the right way to prepare or not. I guess we'll see.

One thing I do suspect--and don't tell my husband I said this--I will be much more productive without him here, mostly because I have to be, but partly because his laid-back, things-will-take-care-of-themselves-sometime-this-century attitude is a little contagious!

Anyway, on the agenda for today is my nephew's 3rd birthday party for which an awesome gift has already been purchased, wrapped, and tagged with a bow. After that, perhaps some housework, but definitely some one-on-one chill time with my baby boy.


Steph Knirk said...

Ha! I just got a text from Dave saying he landed in San Antonio and I immediately thought - "KATIE! GAAAHHH. She is probably worried sick about how to handle everything while Jon is gone..."

So I was gonna text....then I thought, I should check her blog first. How did I know?!?! Anyways, I know you will have your hands full - but if you want to get together tomorrow to go for a walk or grab lunch or anything, let me know! I am off all day and will likely get sucked into a Law and Order SVU Marathon if I am not careful. :) If I don't talk to you, enjoy your time without Jon, you supermom, you! <3

Kate said...

Haha! You knew because you've noticed my trend...Jon replaces writing in my life. When Jon goes away for a while, the writing reappears. :)